Упражнение 3. Переходные и непереходные глаголы

Определите в каждой паре предложений, где переходный глагол, где - непереходный:

  1. a) We cheered the new English band.
    b) We cheered.

  2. a) A boy sang a sad song.
    b) A boy sang.

  3. a) His son ran over the hill, and along the highway.
    b) In May, they will run their second marathon. .

  4. a) I always eat before leaving for university.
    b) I always eat a sandwich before leaving for university.

  5. a) My sister was reading an old book.
    b) My sister was reading.

  6. a) I can manage this business. .
    b) I believe, he will manage on his own.

  7. a) I was out when Mr. Manson called.
    b) Could you call Mary, please?

  8. a) He burned a house.
    b) The candle burned brightly.

  9. a) Tomatoes grow in the garden.
    b) Do you grow tomatoes?

  10. a) The boy dropped his book.
    b) The book dropped on the ground.
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