Упражнение 5. Present Simple Passive

Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную утвердительную или отрицательную форму активного или пассивного залога в The Present Simple.

  1. 1. The orange car (to sell).
  2. He (to sell) cars in this company.
  3. In summer, more chocolate ice-cream (to eat) than in winter.
  4. She (to call) her grandparents every Saturday.
  5. In the office, the letters (to type, not).
  6. Joshua (to take) his medicine three times a day.
  7. Jane (to take, not) to school by her father.
  8. We (to keep, not) animals at home.
  9. Milk (to keep) in the refrigerator.
  10. This sonnet (to write, not) by Shakespeare.
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