Упражнение 3. Present Perfect

Вставьте в вопросы и ответы к ним вспомогательные глаголы have/has.

  1. you seen it yet?
    — Yes, I .

  2. Anna phoned yet?
    — No, she .

  3. they found their pet anywhere?
    — Yes, they .

  4. he just arrived?
    — Yes, he .

  5. she washed her hands?
    — No, she .

  6. you ever eaten caviar?
    — Yes, I .

  7. Jack ever written romantic poems?
    — Yes, he .

  8. the students done their homework?
    — No, they .

  9. I done anything wrong?
    — Yes, you .

  10. Henry gone to the gym?
    — No, he .
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