Упражнение 5. Английские словосочетания с наречиями и прилагательными

Переведите словосочетания с наречиями и прилагательными. Используйте словосочетания из упражнения 1:
  1. He bumped into me on the street and (дико извинялся) for doing so.
  2. We were (глубоко разочарованы) to end the competition with only three points.
  3. Many students are (в больших долгах).
  4. Mike and Fynn (глубоко сожалеют) what happened – there is no excuse for it.
  5. Now I (чрезвычайно нуждаюсь) your comforting words.
  6. All our plans (провалились).
  7. At times it was (мучительно больно), but it has got easier.
  8. They (полностью осознавали) the economic problem.
  9. The success of our project (характеризирует с хорошей стороны) us.
  10. It wasn't supposed to be a comedy but we found it (неимоверно смешной).
  11. She made her dissatisfaction (абсолютно очевидным).
  12. I can't help but agree that it's a (перехваленный) film.
  13. Property in the area is thought to be (неимоверно дорогая).
  14. The spare parts are (легкодоступны) in automobile repair shops.
  15. I give you the credit that you (полностью заслуживаешь).
  16. They fear fat, even when they are (тощие, как щепка).
  17. Like most of his group, he was (абсолютно честным).
  18. The CEO was (так и хотелось / искушался) to dismiss him.
  19. There are few roads in the (малонаселенном) region.
  20. The cottage had (безупречно чистые) rooms.
  21. Your wife is (потрясающе красива).
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