Упражнение 2. Present Continuous Passive

Выполняя необходимые грамматические изменения, дополните предложения в Present Continuous Passive глаголами, стоящими в скобках:
  1. A poem is by my teacher of Poetry. (to write)
  2. My car is by the elderly mechanic (to repaire). (to repaire)
  3. A new employee for by me. (to wait)
  4. the wedding party by the couple's friends? (to prepare)
  5. Are the tulips now? (to water)
  6. the pilot project ? (to carry out)
  7. Where the passengers from the airport? (to fly)
  8. Whose dog now? (to wash)
  9. The school fence is . (to paint, not)
  10. A new church next to the shopping centre. (to build, not)
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